Air Handling Solutions for Better Building Environments
Our Semi Custom, Custom, Retrofit, and Makeup Air Handlers will help you solve even the most challenging of design and building applications. We offer a range of solutions to meet your air handling and ventilation requirements, size constraints, efficiency and energy standards, reliability needs, and air quality and sound considerations. Plus, all of our air handlers are available with innovative FANWALL TECHNOLOGY® for enhanced airflow performance and redundancy in fan arrays for air handler systems.
Contact a rep and we’ll partner with you to find the perfect air handler for your building needs.

400 to 400,000+ cfm custom air handling solutions minimize total cost of ownership while meeting the most challenging requirements for size, efficiency, and reliability.
Replace end-of-life fans in existing air handlers with FANWALL® Systems to avoid system failure and deliver performance improvements and energy savings.
Knockdown units are built with components that have been custom-sized to meet the access and space requirements of your project.
Up to 400,000+ cfm air handlers for applications where 100% outside air circulation is required.
Up to 20,000 CFM handling solution for indoor and outdoor applications, especially designed for the education market.
Our vertically stacked air rotation units are a great option for large manufacturing and warehouse facilities.